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Cat With Owner Outside

5 Fun Cat Facts

Five Fun Facts about our Beloved Pets

Cats are fantastic pets that have long held a special place in our lives. Because of this, cats are perhaps one of the most loved pets worldwide. Their friendly, cuddly and also mysterious nature makes them intriguing and sociable pets. It is always an adventure to discover more about these lovely pets. That's why we've collected five surprising facts about cats that you might not know!

Tiger Traits

Did you know that domestic cats are 95,6% genetically related to tigers? It is therefore not surprising that cats share some behaviors with their wild ancestors, such as scratch to leave scent marks, play with prey, stalk, wipe paws and mark with urine.

For example, you see that cats like scratch on different surfaces in the house. This scratching behavior is actually a form of scent-marking, a way cats mark their territory.

It is another behavior that you often see in domestic cats play with prey. This can range from chasing toys to stalking and attacking small objects at home. This behavior stems from the hunting instincts of their wild ancestors.

1st floor
Maine Coon Cat 1

A Huge Cat

De Maine Coon is not just any large cat breed, it is the largest cat breed in the world. This imposing and majestic cat species has even managed to get an honorable mention in the renowned Guinness World Records.

And who is the undisputed record holder for the longest house cat ever? That is none other than Barivel, an impressive one Maine Coon from beautiful Italy. With its extraordinary length of no less than 120 cm, Barivel has won the hearts of many and earned the title of longest domestic cat in the world.

It's no surprise that the Maine Coon such a beloved breed is among cat lovers all over the world. Their unique looks, loving personality and amazing size make them a real eye-catcher.

A Nap Here and There

Cats have a reputation for being sleepyheads, and rightly so. It's no secret that cats love their naps. On average, they spend 13 to 16 hours a day sleeping, which amounts to an astonishing 70% of their lives!

In the wild, a cat spends a lot of energy sneaking and chasing prey. The ability to move quickly and nimbly is crucial when catching prey and this requires a lot of energy. Therefore, cats have developed the habit of taking long periods of rest and sleep to conserve their energy.

Although today our domestic cats no longer have to hunt to meet their food this natural habit is still in their DNA. This is why it is important to provide one comfortable sleeping place.

Sleeping Cat
Old Cat

The Oldest Cat

Did you know that the oldest recorded cat in history has reached the respectable age of 38 years and 3 days? This particular cat, named Creme Puff, has set a record that is hard to beat.

Reaching such an exceptional age is very special, especially when you consider that the life expectancy of the average house cat is about 16 to 17 years.

Reaching such a high age is not just luck! Creme Puff's owner says her exceptional age is because of her special diet and lifestyle.

He converted his garage into a cat cinema that played nature documentaries. Wooden steps were built into the walls for his cats to play on, and he had a screened fence in his backyard that allowed Creme Puff to safely enjoy the outdoors.

Worldwide Popular

With an estimated over 500 million cats living in people's homes worldwide, it's clear that these furry friends have a special place in our hearts.

And in the Netherlands the cat without a doubt the most popular pet. There are over 3,1 million cats who have a home. This is really an impressive number! It seems that we Dutch have a special fondness for these playful and cuddly companions.

What makes cats then so popular? Cats have a willful character, are independent and have their own will.

They are also known for their need for affection and affection. Most cats love to be close to their owners and really enjoy the cuddling moments together. Sharing a snuggle session is a valuable and enjoyable part of our daily routine, both for us and for our loved one cats.

Sphynx cat
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