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Birds And Fireworks

Birds and Fireworks

Birds and Fireworks: This is how you make New Year's Eve comfortable

New Year's Eve is often a festive time for us, full of festivities and fireworks. However, for our feathered friends this can be a stressful time.

Birds are sensitive to loud noises and sudden flashes of light, and New Year's Eve celebrations can really test their nerves.

Whether it concerns birds indoors or in an outdoor aviary, we can ensure that they are kept safe with these simple measures enter the new year safely and calmly.

Recognizing Stress Signals in Your Bird

It starts with recognizing stress signals in your bird. Make sure you know your bird inside and out so that you can immediately notice when your bird is suffering from stress. This gives you the opportunity to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

  • Changed eating behavior
  • Plucking the feathers
  • Excessive shouting
  • Pull back

  • Shaking
  • Sit with the beak open
  • Feathers pulled tightly against the body
  • Faster breathing
Parrot Bird Fireworks
Parrot Bird Hugging Fireworks

Birds Sitting Inside

Here are measures you can take for indoor birds.

Be there: Spend time near your birds. Your presence provides comfort and can calm them down during stressful moments.

Windows and curtains closed: Reduce external stimuli by keeping windows and curtains closed. This helps dampen the sound and minimizes visual disturbances.

Leave the nightlight on: When your birds are in a dark room. Then make sure a night light is left on so they can see something.

This prevents them from panicking or being frightened in the pitch dark.

Your presence provides comfort and calms during stressful moments. Create a calming environment by turning on sound and minimize external stimuli by keeping windows and curtains closed. Consider supportive resources such as the RelaxoBird and keep your birds busy with treats or foraging toys.

Noise distraction: Play soothing music or turn on the TV to mask the sound of fireworks and create a calming environment.

Fun activities: Keep your birds busy with treats or foraging toys. This will distract them and help them focus on something else.

Supporting resources: Consider using tools such as the Relaxo Bird, which is designed to reduce stress in birds.

RelaxoBird Pro Sound Therapy

Stress, anxiety and behavioral problems are a thing of the past with the Relaxo Bird!

Let your bird experience ultimate relaxation through the groundbreaking sound therapy with the Relaxo Bird.

Invest in the well-being of your feathered friend and give them the peace and quiet they deserve with the RelaxoBird Pro – the ultimate choice for a carefree and happy bird!

Relaxobird Pro
Lovebird Aviary

Birds sitting outside

Here are measures you can take for birds that sit outdoors.

Flying loose: Do not let your birds fly free on New Year's Eve to prevent them from panicking due to fireworks.

Indoor stay: If the aviary has an indoor enclosure, we recommend placing your birds there during New Year's Eve for protection.

Additional hiding places: Add additional hiding places, such as the BZN Trunkhut to the aviary to give your birds the opportunity to hide and seek protection.

Do not let your birds fly outside, provide extra hiding places, keep them indoors if possible, stay nearby at all times and protect the aviary against fireworks.

Avoid bringing outdoors indoors: Do not try to bring birds indoors because of the large temperature differences. It is important to ensure that they remain in their familiar environment as much as possible.

Stay close: Make sure you are at home and stay nearby so that you can intervene quickly if fireworks get too close.

Protect fireworks: Protect the aviary well to prevent fireworks from entering. Provide sturdy screening to ensure the safety of your birds.


It is essential to pay extra attention to the needs of our feathered friends during the New Year. It starts with recognizing stress signals in your birds, allowing you to take proactive measures.

For indoor birds, it is important to be present and create a calming environment through noise distractions and additional activities. The use of supportive resources such as the RelaxoBird can also contribute to reducing stress and anxiety.

For birds outside, the advice is not to let them fly freely, to add extra shelters and, if possible, to keep them in their indoor enclosure during the fireworks period. Stay nearby, provide good fireworks shielding and protect the aviary firmly to ensure the safety of the birds.

By taking these measures, we can ensure that our birds enter the new year comfortably.

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