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Body Art for Nature

Body Art for Nature 2022

Organized on September 25 Avonturia De Vogelkelder in collaboration with the Herpetofauna Foundation and Syllie Faces the creative event Body Art for Nature. This event is being organized for the fourth time.

Masai Mara

The theme of this event is: Masai Mara. Spread over Mappa Mundia Professional Bodyart artists are busy transforming the models into true works of art. It's super cool to see these artists at work. Certain body parts are already painted before opening time. The event is therefore suitable for the whole family. Children can also have their face painted or get a real glitter tattoo (for a small fee)


Mbaraak Abdalla, he is truly a wonderful human being! Super integrity and a real one
world improver that we desperately need these times.
He is president of the "forest restoration agency", with which he de
mangrove forests in Kenya are literally breathing new life. This has
an enormous impact on all flora and fauna that also recovered as a result, including
extremely many species of reptiles and amphibians. The latest forecast is that
1 in 5 of all reptile and amphibian species in the world
are threatened with extinction and that is shocking!

His other organization connects man with nature and in particular the
underprivileged youth who receive education as well as daily through this project
support that gives them a better life. A combination that
knows no losers.

The third project is run by a Dutch woman, Mirthe Aarts, she is like
biologist is making an inventory of the vipers in Kenya because their numbers are declining extremely fast. She is researching why this is happening and trying so good conservation
developing strategies with the local population. She also takes care of
catching snakes so that they are not killed unnecessarily. Also
educating children about nature is one of their key projects!

Who, What and Where

Mappa Mundia opens its doors from 12.00 noon and you will find yourself in an oasis of painters and models. They will be painting all day for charities. There is also plenty to see and do for children in the Adventureluur (bird world). And don't forget to take a picture with our own Ranger Kevin!


Mappa Mundia normally costs 6.95 but only for this event entrance costs 4.95 and from 1-9-2022 you also have a chance to win free tickets via Facebook en Instagram.

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