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jumping spider

Tips for Buying a Jumping Spider

A Guide to Buying and Caring for your Jumping Spider

Do you want a jumping spider to buy? Then you have come to the right page! jumping spiders are fascinating creatures, known for their long jumps and impressive hunting techniques. If you are interested in owning one jumping spider as a pet, there are a few things you should consider before purchasing one.

Why Buy a Jumping Spider?

jumping spiders are incredibly intriguing creatures known for their amazing jumps and agile movements.

With more than 5.000 different species worldwide, varying in size, color and behavior, there is always a species that suits you.

What they all have in common, however, is their active and curious nature, making them great pets for people who like something unique.

White Jumping Spiders

The Benefits of a Jumping Spider as a Pet

In addition to their fascinating behavior, jumping spiders also relatively easy to care for. With the right thing terrarium en food they can thrive in captivity.

Little space required: jumping spiders are small creatures that take up little space. Even mature specimens have only modest terrarium necessary, which means you can keep them even if you have limited space in your home.

Relatively easy care: Compared to some other exotic pets, jumping spiders quite easy to care for. They do not have a complex diet or special needs. With the right thing terrarium, food and water they can thrive in captivity.

Hypoallergenic alternative: For people with allergies, having a pet can be a challenge. This allows a jumping spider are an interesting alternative to traditional pets.

Jumping Spider Female

The Terrarium

Before you you jumping spider purchase, it is important to choose a suitable one terrarium to prepare for him.

Young jumping spiders require a smaller enclosure than adults.

A terrarium of approximately 5x5x7 cm is suitable for young jumping spiders, terwijl adults need a maximum of 20x20x30 cm.

It is important to remember that bigger is not always better, as too much space can prevent them from finding their prey.

The terrarium must be designed to preserve the natural habitat of the jumping spider to imitate. You can do this by using the right one substrate, plant and climbing options such as wood, branches en Cork. By creating a natural environment, you will... jumping spider feel more comfortable and healthier.

Everything about Jumping Spiders

Would you like more information about creating the perfect living environment for you?jumping spider and everything involved in care? Then read here further!

Dancing Jumping Spider
    Jumping Spider Food

    Food for Jumping Spiders

    The prey of one jumping spider consists of small insects such as curl, fruit and house flies, or micro crickets.

    It's important to you jumping spider every other day feed and removing uneaten prey from the enclosure to prevent them from spoiling.

    Also make sure that the prey is never larger than the spider itself to avoid the risk of suffocation.

    Where to buy a Jumping Spider?

    Do you want to have a jumping spider to buy? Then you've come to the right place. We offer a variety of different types of jumping spiders.

    With our extensive knowledge and experience of over 40 years in keeping exotic pets, we have everything you need to make your jumping spider to house and care for.

    Whether you need advice on setting up the terrarium, choosing the right one food or creating the ideal living environment, we are here to help you every step of the journey to having a happy and healthy jumping spider as a pet.

    Thereby send we our jumping spiders in a very professional manner! So that they always arrive at you safe and healthy.

    Jumping Spider White
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