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Potty training a puppy

How do I potty train my puppy?

You finally have your new puppy at home. Then, of course, the question quickly follows: “How do I housebreak my puppy?” Of course you don't want your little four-legged friend to continue to do his or her needs in the house. In the beginning you will probably experience that you step in the middle of a puddle of your new puppy. How are you going to deal with the fact that your new little friend no longer poops or pees in the house. Then quickly read this blog about “How do I housebreak my puppy?”

Make sure to set aside time to potty train your puppy.

Before you bring your new puppy into your home, you have certainly already made some preparations. It is useful to bring your puppy into your home if you have made time yourself, such as during your vacation. Because everything will be new to your puppy, it is nice that you can spend a lot of time with him or her. Your little four-legged friend must be able to trust that you are the one who will teach him everything. It also takes quite some time. Try to make sure you have that time too. And your bond will only get better because of it.

What can you do yourself to prepare?

Before you have your puppy at home, it is wise to think about potty training your puppy. Do you just have new furniture or is there a nice carpet somewhere in the house that you are very attached to? Then remember that your puppy can sometimes accidentally leave a pee or heap on it. If you do not want to be faced with this surprise, it is wise to make some preparations. For example, temporarily remove that carpet and put something over the furniture until your puppy is completely potty trained. You can also get some handy supplies at home that can help with potty training your puppy. Think of a crate and puppy training pads.

Now you are ready to start potty training.

The preparations are done, and you have picked up your puppy. Your life together can finally begin. As soon as you get home you can actually start toilet training your puppy right away. 

Try to walk your dog as much as possible. If he poops or pees outside, reward him afterwards by playing with him, for example. Give him lots of positive attention. 

Potty training your puppy can take anywhere from 6 to 10 weeks. It is also possible that you are just lucky and that your puppy is potty trained faster. But it can also take longer.

A handy tip is; In the beginning, mainly go to the same spot to let your puppy do his business. Your puppy will then start to see this spot as a 'toilet'.

Especially in the beginning, when your puppy is exploring his new environment, he may poop or pee in the house. If this happens don't get angry but just stay calm it works best. Your new little friend has yet to be potty trained, and is not aware of any harm.

Above all, stay consistent while housetraining your puppy. Just like with a new born baby, you will have to get out of bed at night. Set the alarm a few times a night and then take your puppy outside. You really don't have to take a long walk at night, just let your puppy do his needs. Give him time to do this. And reward him every time. It will take some getting used to to go outside a few times at night, but stick with it. Eventually you will see that your puppy is potty trained faster. And you will also get more and more night's sleep back.

Using aids while housetraining your puppy.

If you purchased a crate during the preparations, this is an excellent tool for potty training your four-legged friend. Young dogs also need a lot of sleep. Every time your puppy goes to sleep make sure he is in this bench is doing. As nice and cozy as it is to take your puppy to bed when you go to sleep, don't! If he also sleeps in his crate at night, he learns to stop his need. A dog prefers not to pee and poop where he sleeps. If you don't have a bench, this can also be a basket or other fixed sleeping place .

The puppy training pads, which you probably already bought, come in handy now too. put the workout pads during the period of potty training in various permanent places in the house. The pads absorb moisture and prevent unpleasant odors in the house. Because the training pads have a special scent, your puppy will become curious and will go to the pads. If he also relieves himself on the pads, it saves you a lot of cleaning and scrubbing.

What helpful tips are there for potty training my puppy?

If you own a puppy, there will be plenty of people with all sorts of helpful housetraining tips. We also have some tips for you.

  • Have patience. Housetraining your puppy takes time. It won't go well right away. Just keep calm, don't get mad. You also don't want your dog to be scared of you.
  • If you see that your dog is going round in circles or sniffing around in the house, remember that this can be a signal that he wants to go to the bathroom. Do not panic, there is nothing wrong, pick up your puppy and immediately go outside with him.
  • Barking or howling can also be a sign that your puppy needs to go to the bathroom. Take the puppy outside as much as possible. Not every dog ​​will make it so obvious that he has to go to the bathroom. In time, you will recognize your puppy's body language and know what he wants.
  • Despite all the walks, and the practice of doing the bathroom outside, it can happen that a pee or heap is done in the house. It is best to clean this up right away. Make sure that no nasty smell lingers. Try not to give your puppy any attention while cleaning up. That is not always easy.
  • Walk your puppy at set times. For example, walk your dog when you just get out of bed, after dinner, after playing and before you go to sleep. This will help him recognize when it's time to relieve himself
  • If you are in the house with several people, and others will also walk your dog, make sure everyone works in the same way. This prevents confusion for your puppy. So stay consistent.
  • If you can't be home all day during the potty training period, make sure someone else has time. For example, you can hire a dog sitter. He can walk your puppy and keep you company during the day while you are at work. You can also take your puppy to a doggy daycare.

The question “How do I housebreak my puppy?” This blog will make it a bit clearer for you. Housetraining a puppy takes a lot of time. Because you have thought carefully about purchasing a puppy, this will certainly not be a problem for you. Be patient, it's just a lot of fun to teach your puppy new things. And in the end it is also very rewarding work. Make sure you are well prepared and have the right tools. And because you are so intensively involved with your dog, your bond will only become stronger.

If potty training your puppy really doesn't work, there is always the option to follow puppy training with your four-legged friend. Or come to our dog world .

Good luck and most of all have fun together!

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